Wednesday 5 February 2014

Low Blood Pressure

There are numbers of sicks if we could count on that. High blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks etc. OMG. ini yang dipanggil sakit atau pun penyakit. semua tahu la pasal ni. okay2.

did you know about hereditary? penyakit keturunan?

Usually, hereditary can be detected bila dah mencapai umur 18 tahun. Contoh, your father ada sakit Low Blood Pressure and your Mum ada sakit High Blood Pressure. and you may eventually be inherited by one of the sickness.

What is low blood pressure? (LBP)

Benda ni jadi bila your blood pressure untuk setiap heartbeat rendah dari kebiasaan. Kenapa pening? Sebab your brain didn't get enough blood. Nak guna alasan ni untuk taknak study boleh tak? :P

Nama lain bagi LBP:

  • postpandrial hypotension
  • orthostatic hypotension
  • neurally mediated hypotension (NMH)

atau pun - darah tak dapat tekanan yang it supppose to get, darah tak sempat nak sampai ke bahagian badan yang sepatutnya terutama BRAIN. Jadi, adakah ini menyebabkan pesakitnya menjadi lemah? haihh. Kasihan kan? =='

Symptoms pulak:
  • pening2.
  • rasa macam nak pitam bila berdiri lama sikit.
  • blurry vision.

The doctor said, kalau high blood pressure ada ubat, tapi low blood pressure mmg takde ubat. =='
Tapi, takkan takde cara langsung nak overcome kan? aku pun macam pelik bila fikir yang LBP tak boleh diubati. HAHA.

ni haaa, ade je ways to overcome. - increasing fluids to treat dehydration. Macam mana nak increase fluids? Minum ja air banyak2 okay - then, avoid standing for a long period. tak payah la nak kawad2 sangat.-  then,increasing the amount of salt in your diet. okay? :))

Pernah tak rasa macam ni? Go see your doctor peeps!

Thanks for reading. :)

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